Project Kōkiri

Project Kōkiri

This plan has been developed under the auspices of the Project Kōkiri collaboration which was first brought together as an alliance of local leaders to support our economic response and recovery from COVID-19.

This collaboration has delivered outcomes for Nelson Tasman that we can all be proud of. It has also strengthened the connections between agencies involved in delivering economic development for the region and ensured greater levels of alignment and collaboration across stakeholders. This plan ensures that we continue to work together in this way, to lock in the gains we have made and turn our attention to recovery and regeneration.

This Plan speaks to a number of related and interconnected strategies such as the Nelson Tasman Workforce Development Plan and the Long Term Plans of both Nelson City and Tasman District Councils.

Despite our challenges, Nelson Tasman is well positioned to lead the charge on a more regenerative future. We have a proud history of creation and innovation. Care and protection for nature is part of our identity as a region. We are a desirable, liveable and dynamic place. We know ourselves well, understand our strengths and are honest about our challenges. But our pioneering and innovative spirit gives us the strength we need to navigate our way into the future, together.

The Nelson Tasman Regeneration Plan is underpinned by the Te Tauihu Intergenerational Strategy and the vision of Tūpuna Pono or Being Good Ancestors.”